Early Childhood School
Primary School
Secondary School

Children’s Appreciation Day

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Tuesday January 10th, 2023

  student's appreciation day

At the end of terms two and four, Tzu Chi School students will celebrate Children's Appreciation DayChildren’s Appreciation Day

Jessica Afiati

N2 Harmony Assistant Teacher

. This activity aims to help the students better understand and express appreciation. As we teach our students to be grateful for the good things in their life, we also must show them our gratitude for their hard work at school. Children learn appreciation through watching the behavior of people around them, so showing them how grateful we are for their effort is an excellent opportunity to develop this mindset in the students.

All class's rewards were different, based on the number of stars they collected throughout terms one and two. For this term, the rewards were popcorn, ice cream, jelly, and French fries. The activity began with an introduction from the teachers. They explained the reward that each class got and the reason why they received them. Then they enjoyed the snacks together with the teachers. Some classes enjoyed popcorn with ice cream, and others enjoyed jelly and French fries.Through this activity, we hope the students will cultivate a spirit of gratitude in our students. As they grow with gratitude, they will understand more of the needs and feelings of other people.