2018 May

Sports Day

Tzu Chi Primary School had its Sports Day on April 4, 2018 to showcase the students’ talents in sports, such as Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Running, and Obstacle game.

Throughout this event, students and teachers enthusiastically promoted togetherness and camaraderie. Winning and losing is common in a competition but our aim was more to provide opportunities and give challenges to students to perform their best and cultivate their love towards sports.

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Vesak Day Ceremony - Pray for Our World
In May, Tzu Chi celebrated three important events; Mother’s Day, Vesakh Day and Tzu Chi Day. This year, 350,000 Tzu Chi members in 37 countries participated in 501 sessions of Buddha Cleansing ceremonies.
Early Childhood: Ecopreneur 2018
This year’s theme was “End Plastic Pollution”. Tzu Chi Early Childhood has started the countdown to the Earth’s Day 50th anniversary in 2020. Children should play an active role in decreasing the use of plastic. Educating children on how to help minimize plastic usage is really important. Tzu Chi Early Childhood launched this year’s “bottle battle” to raise awareness of how plastic bottles can be recycled and re-purposed. The children brought plastic bottles for repurposing, and we came up with a plan of making our own greenhouses from plastic bottles that were collected.
Primary School: Sports Day
Tzu Chi Primary School had its Sports Day on April 4, 2018 to showcase the students’ talents in sports, such as Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Running, and Obstacle game.
Secondary School: Creativity, Activity and Service
Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS), one of the core subjects in the IB Diploma Programme provides an opportunity for students’ personal growth and development. During this time of the year, we are gratified that our Grade 11 students possess excellent time management skills, which enables them to strike the right balance between academics and continuous commitment of regular involvement with a reasonable balance between the CAS strands.