2018 December - 2019 February


Every Friday morning, all EC teachers and staff have a short exercise at 7.15 AM in the butterfly garden. The exercise is led by Wen Jing Laoshi.

Why is it important to exercise in the morning?

First, the fresh air in the morning provide a lot of oxygen to the body, helping the mind to become refreshed and calm. When breathing fresh, unpolluted air, the body and mind are fresher.

 Table of Contents

Practice Mindfulness

When we speak, most of us are not very mindful. Words just come out of our mouths. When we listen to others, we are often very “mindful” in picking apart others’ mistakes, causing afflictions to arise in our own minds. When others speak kind words to us, they go in one ear and out the other and we are quick to forget. Being mindful of the wrong things is a common shortcoming that most people have.

So, we do not necessarily need to listen to profound teachings but in our daily life we must always practice mindfulness. The Dharma that can be readily applied and used is ”wondrous Dharma.”

From Mirror of the Heart P.157 by Master Cheng Yen
Early Childhood: Pemeriksaan Kesehatan
Kesehatan adalah penting untuk tubuh kita karena kesehatan mahal harganya, untuk itu, menjaga dan merawat kesehatan lebih baik daripada mengobati. Menerapkan pola makan sehat dan berolahraga, selain melakukan medical check-up alias pengecekan kesehatan secara rutin adalah salah satu langkah yang penting dilakukan untuk memelihara kondisi tubuh. Sebagian orang beranggapan Medical checkup hanya lazim dilakukan bagi mereka yang sudah berusia lanjut. Padahal, mereka yang masih berusia muda, baik pria dan wanita, sangat dianjurkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara berkala, agar dapat mendeteksi adanya indikasi penyakit yang berbahaya yang sedang mengintai tubuh, agar virus atau bakteri berbahaya cepat pula dimusnahkan di dalam tubuh.
Primary School: Student Monitor Training
Student Monitors Training kembali diadakan pada Hari Kamis, 7 Desember 2018 seusai para murid Tzu Chi Primary School melaksanakan ujian akhir semester. Kali ini, Student Monitors yang terdiri dari siswa-siswi pilihan dari kelas 3, 4 dan 5 diajak menyelami dunia kesehatan. Diharapkan dengan kegiatan pelatihan ini Student Monitors dapat memperluas wawasan, pengetahuan dan keterampilan mereka tentang Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) dan Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan (PPPK).
Secondary School: Colleges Preparation

In our preparation for Grades 10 and 11 students and their college choices, we continued to hold seminar talks for students and their parents to be informed by various colleges and education representatives.

At the end of the month, we also had representative from Education Malaysia, who shared about further studies in Malaysia. We hope that these seminar talks are able to provide our students with the information they need to decide their future careers and where to pursue it.